Female Laptop Orchestra (Member 2014-2019)
Female Laptop Orchestra (FLO), a music research project established in 2014 by Nela Brown, connects female musicians, artists and scientists globally, bridging continents, political boundaries, language and culture through co-located and distributed collaborative music creation. Each FLO performance is site-specific and performer-dependent, mixing location-based field recordings, live coding, acoustic instruments, voice, sound synthesis and real-time sound processing using Web Audio API’s and VR environments with audio streams arriving from different global locations (via the internet and mobile networks). As a member, Papadomanolaki has contributed to the following projects:

In Transglashphōnē
In Transglasphōnē a co-located telematic performance by the Female Laptop Orchestra, initially performed remotely from London as part of CMMR 2016, University of São Paulo. More info.

Transmusicking I
Transmusicking I is a multichannel telematic performance presented at Audio Mostly 2017, Oxford House Theatre, London, UK, 25 August 2017. This is a collaboration with Female Laptop Orchestra (FLO) and Women in Music Tech (WiMT). More info.

Transmusicking III
Transmusicking III(2019) is a multichannel telematic electroacoustic performance as part of Rarefacció, Hangar, Barcelona (Spain). More info.