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Aquarium is a digital dance performance for children. Aquarium choreographs the real-time interaction between physical and digital bodies, where the main character is a fish, animated by a dancer both physically on stage and by her digital doubles, and accompanied by a 3D jellyfish and other sea creatures. By unfolding the life of a small fish living in an aquarium, the artwork encourages environmental awareness and reflects on the relationship between humans and their environment, both natural and virtual.



Conceptor and Choreographer: Caterini Dinopoulou

Composer of music and sound environment: Maria Papadomanolaki

Dancer: Elena Stavropoulou

Interactive Video Artist: Katerina Dinopoulou

Digital Hologram Artist: Michele Cremaschi

Scenographer and Costume Designer: Katerina Archontaki

Lighting Designer: Caterini Dinopoulou

Organization and Coordination: KINETICS Dance & Visual Arts Center


The production commissioned by the Municipality of Chania and KEPPEDIH-KAM in the framework of the Open Sails Festival .

Photo by Michalis Gonalakis
Photo by Michalis Gonalakis
Photo by Michalis Gonalakis
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