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Breathing Space

Breathing Space is a real-time interactive audiovisual performance. The dancer through a continued flow of movement interacts live with her gigantic floating digital double projected on an exterior wall. The use of Isadora real-time motion tracking computer software allows not only the live capture of the dancers’ body-image but also allows her to interactively manipulate and mix the digital media during the performance. As a result, the dancer triggers and effects the change of videos creating a live editing of instantaneously archived frames as she moves.

The digital and physical dancer is mirrored by the live performance of a sound artist, who is live mixing and looping environmental soundscapes drones, voice and abstract rhythmical and melodic patterns; acting both as a bridge and a reflection on the disembodied communication between the physical and the digital body of the dancer. An invisible and ethereal bonding of sounds and images results in the creation of a utopian environment, a breathing space mediated through technology.

Presented at BODY/SCREEN: Female Identities And New Media, Municipal Art Gallery, Chania, Crete. Curated by Marika Konstantinidou.
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